You asked how to connect with the poetry of my being
And I replied with sights to see
Because the day I snapped my neck was
The day I rolled back the curtains
With a visitor peeping through my eyelids
Who saw the lanterns in their silhouettes
And in their red glow through the trees
Who saw conical branch patterns as
Ascension into my sky,
Seeing me, as a microcosm of everything
And still remained steadfast in taking my hand to step through that membrane of
Why did I let you in? A stranger, a mishap
Because for the first time I was not alone
In my little universe of whirlwinds
Where I, the creator, and you, the anomaly, the crazy who i let see
And weather alongside me the elements of my circumstances
For now I have the void room where you stayed
Now deemed empty from your temporary tenancy
And I am left with a hole in my abode —
Swearing to never invite strangers in again.